The X-factor of success: Installer know-how and experience

The X-factor of success: Installer know-how and experience

We have the largest number of installation units in Europe (168), and we have the perhaps broadest solution portfolio of any company, you work with: We install glass and felt liners in main lines up to DN2200 with CIPP. We install GRP panels in all kinds of diameters, wall thicknesses and shapes. We handle lateral connections from the main line, manholes, and rehabilitation horizontal and vertical with downpipes.

To offer all of these solutions, our key asset and value-add to our customers will always be our experienced staff located at our factories, offices, and at our installation units. All of whom are constantly focused on delivering the best possible outcome and result. They all share the same vision and the same focus on customer satisfaction, and they always go the extra mile to solve any obstacle. Never leaving a job before it is completed to satisfaction.

We are proud of the fact that we produce our own materials and offer our services as the leading contractor with a wide array of installation techniques: steam, water, UV and LED. In our industry, this is a unique combination that gives us an unrivalled knowledge of the products we install in the project.

In every project, we take pride in helping the customer define how the job is carried out in the most cost-efficient and optimized technical way. This creates a win-win situation for both the customer and us, where we optimize the resources used and secure a much better economic result for the citizens of the city.

Having met and handled all types of projects and tasks in the industry, we are proud to say that “Your Challenge is Our responsibility”. Please see the new brand video about Aarsleff Pipe Technologies where you can learn more about our company and how we can help you.
